Friday, 27 August 2010
careless talk ;)
was it a marriage made in heaven?
was it a gift from God above?
do you believe the things you told me?
or was it simply careless love?
you told me once when we were dreaming
through life together we would walk
those words of love seemed set in a starlight
butnow it seems like careless talk
all your lies are jolly melancholy
your eyes were always slightly sad
but now you're always saying sorry
we've lost the good times that we had
over all this careless talk of love..
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
At Habibi I ran by the saying
“Why do something now when you can delay it and do it tomorrow.”
This managed to see me well through my schooling a deliver me a satisfactory ‘B’ Bursary. For a beginner procrastinator this is a satisfactory mantra to live by. However, it wasn’t until I went to Ina University of Education that I found the limiting nature of saying. So with plenty of training thorough late night essays I changed my procrastinating philosophy to
“Anything I can do today will be done better if I do it tomorrow.”
Notice the difference. Instead of just procrastinating I am actually procrastinating with a purpose of doing it better tomorrow. It was this attitude that saw me through Ina University of Education with a healthy A+ average.
Even now I am procrastinating by writing this blog. You see at the moment it is almost halfway through the school year which means the customary Mid Year Reports are just around the corner. Deep down I know I should be doing the reports but I can’t be bothered. So instead of working painstakingly on my reports I come up with lame excuses and activities to do instead. Why should I have to do my jobs for work in my personal time? I have nothing on tomorrow night so I will do them then?` My husband such a boy on the lounge that is messy, better clean it up! Perhaps I should write a blog on how to procrastinate. The stark reality is that my reports are due in one week and I have yet to start.
As a Counselor and Educational Consultant, I have 6 classes of thirty students. This effectively means I have to produce 180 individual, interesting and relevant comments about the students I teach. Yeah right!!! I have never been a fan of the report. No matter where I’m on duty, I have had to produce a written report twice a year for every one of my pupils, counselee or even my clients. Reports are not easy to write. They require hours of painstaking writing and editing just to get them to a stage where the child is not devalued and I have managed to say what needs to be said. In the old days school reports were easy. A reporter, observer, even counselor and psycholog could write what they wanted without fear of angry parents, lawsuits or even dismissal. In fact writing a report was seen as an art form with what I am doing their very best to come up with something creative and memorable.
WINSTON CHURCHILL’S school reports are an excellent example and have actually been on display at a museum in England recently..“Weak”, was how his master at St George’s School described nine-year-old Churchill’s understanding of geography. The behaviour of the future British PM was also a problem: “Troublesome . . . latterly has been very naughty.” This got worse over time, with another report claiming that young Winston “cannot be trusted to behave himself anywhere”, and that he was “so regular in his irregularity that I really don’t know what to do”. But Churchill was not the only person to suffer at the hands of his teacher.
Abila Al Hariri’s (writer) parents were told: “She has set herself an extremely high standard, which she has hard to maintain.”
The headmaster of Pasundan Senior High School assessed me thus: “She has glaring faults, and they have certainly glared at us this term.”
Fry’s English teacher was even more brusque: “English: bottom, rightly.”
John Lennon’s teacher offered one of the greatest quotes of the 20th Century in describing him as “Hopeless . . . certainly on the road to failure.”
My all time favourite report must go to former British MP Michael Heseltine. His report was neatly articulated by Ben MacIntyre at The Times in 2007. I have put in the full quote for maximum impact. “He is rebellious, objectionable, idle, imbecilic, inefficient, antagonising, untidy, lunatic, albino, conceited, inflated, impertinent, underhand, lazy and smug.” I particularly like “albino”. The report writer has plainly lost it. Mere invective cannot adequately express the depth of his contempt for young Heseltine. He needs a word that is completely out of the ordinary; he reaches out and in desperation he clutches . . . “albino”. THE TIMES 2007.
Today however, writers must write their reports in code or cleaver euphemisms to get the message across. Nowadays sometime writers or peoples are not allowed to be creative, honest or even truthful about the real situation that happening. Some people today are too precious and protected. They can play up in the classroom, act the fool in the corridors, fail to complete work in on time, treat others with disrespect but when another goes to explain this in their report they are somehow above the behaviour they exhibit in everyday life.
Take John Lennon’s report comment from above.
“Hopeless . . . certainly on the road to failure.”
We each offer a sly snigger at this comment because we know the outcome. We assume that the teacher got it wrong. However, at that time Mr Lennon may have been on the road to failure and may have been a rat bag in class. Perhaps it was this honest, no nonsense report that turned him around. So, today as a young mother, housewife and living on duties on my career way, I must write with the code of an Israeli spy. Each sentence must be created to provide parents with an insight into their child at school, without devastating the precious child. Hahaha :D
Take a standard comment like “Cody is very lively in class”. For my reports this actually means – the rowdy little so and so never shuts up.
Another I like to use is the positive “Rebecca has potential.” This can be loosely translated into either – she’s bone idle or she’s quite thick.
To help with your children’s reports I have put together a list of some of the coded statements that teachers may use. Conveniently I have also put in the correct meaning
just to help those who don’t understand teacher talk.
“A born leader” — Runs a the school gang
“Easy-going” — Bone idle
“Good progress” — You should have seen it a year ago
“Friendly” — Never shuts up
“Helpful” — A creep
“Reliable” — narks on his friends
“Expresses himself confidently” — Impertinent
“Enjoys physical education” — A bully
“Does not accept authority easily” — Dad is in prison
“Often appears tired” — Stays up all night watching television
“A rather solitary child” — He smells
“Popular in the playground” — Sells lollies in the playground
I hope this has provided a little help for when your children finally get to the stage of reports. Alternatively go and check your own reports and see if you can de-code some of the sentences that didn’t fit right at the time. I won’t be doing that. Instead I will be doing two things. Firstly, I will be working on refining my procrastination skills. I think there is room for men to move towards the nirvana of procrastination – procrastinating before procrastination. This is essentially putting off even making an excuse for not doing that job. My aim is to eventually develop pre-procrastination into an art form. Secondly, I am about to head off for a long run. As my wife says the only thing I don’t procrastinate on is my running. I AM right.
Saturday, 23 January 2010
thousand things..
I’m a stupid person, what makes me always learn as hard as I can..
Sedari kecil akuu berfikir, mengapa tuhan mengirim akuu kerahimnya?
Mengapa tuhan menentukan,
bahwa akuu sebaiknya dididik oleh perempuan ini..
waktupun menjawab.
Ibu akuu lah yg mengajarkan,
survive dikala dianiyaya,
karena tuhan tahu akuu orang yang pasif.
Ibu akuu lah yg mengajarkan,
bahwa relationship itu tidak hanya dijalani dengan cinta
tapi juga dengan akal sehat,
karena tuhan tahu akuu punya romantisme yang kadang menggila
Ibu akuu lah yg mengajarkan
bahwa bekerja tidak boleh setengah-setengah,
karena tuhan tahu akuu mudah bosan dan berpindah focus.
Ibu akuu lah yg mengajarkan
bahwa akuu harus bangkit melawan ketika serangan sudah mematikan,
karena tuhan tahu masokisme akuu akan membuat akuu rela mati dari pada melawan.
Ibu akuu lah yg mengajarkan
bahwa berbagi berarti bijak menentukan porsi untuk orang lain dan diri sendiri,
karena tuhan tahu akuu pernah bisa dengan mudah memberikan segalanya.
Ibu akuu lah yg mengajarkan
bertanya ketika ragu, tidak usah malu,
karena tuhan tahu akuu sering enggan bertanya
Ibu akuu lah yg mengajarkan
untuk menggunakan akal sehat dan perasaan bersama-sama,
karena tuhan tahu akuu lebih suka pake logika, aku tidak ingin menyakiti hatiku,
itu saja.
Disamping segala keindahannya sebagai ibu yang mungkin tidak semua tercakup disini,
akuu adalah manusia yang ditakdirkan belajar dari satu sama lain.
Kala hati sudah mengakui itu semua,
akuupun semakin mengerti,
mengapa mommy akuu yg keren ituh d takdirkan bwt akuu, doraemon & Johnny ^^v
Kontras banget kayanyah sama tetangga depan kostan, geng ebes-ebes rumpi yang rempong banget, tiap hari ada ajjah celotehan a la kebon binatang, ituh juga yang jadi satu alasan kenapa akuu harus segera pindah kostan, suasana ituh udah ga kondusif lagih apah lagih buat ‘nyusun’, ampunn.. ada anak dengan kondisi ‘embisil’ dengan kondisi grahitanya ituh dia dibesarkan ditengah keluarga yang membesarkan dia dengan dirty words, mau jadi apah ituh anak kalau udah gede? Kalau dia pikir ituh reinforcement negative dengan bentuk positif, syukur-syukur dehh kalau dia bisa ambil ituh Cuma jadi contoh yang tidak patut ditiru..akuu pernah baca poetry dalam Mother Goose, “JIka anak dibesarkan dengan celaan, ia akan belajar untuk memaki, jika anak dibesarkan dengan permusuhan ia akan belaja untuk berkelahi, jika ia dibesarkan dengan cemoohan ia akan belajar untuk rendah diri, jika anak dibesarkan dengan penghinaan ia belajar untuk menyesali diri..”. akuu udah kelewat sering marah liat orang tua kampring kaya gitu, akuu pikir juga akuu belum begitu bijak buat nasehatin orang tua ituh, toh akuu juga belum ngalamin punya anak.. (langsung keingetan what I’ve done selasa kemaren..maapin ibu bapa ya nak..)
Mungkin ada banyak yang lebih tragis dari Sybill atau Billy Milligan yang jadi MPD (Multiple Personal Disorder) gara-gara trauma akan pengalaman masa lalu, secara psikoanalisis itu memang terbukti..dan itu semua rata-rata dilakukan pelaku kejahatan for the sake of having fun.come on..tapi berbicara pada anak kecil dengan dirty words?hallooo..padahal anak kan bukan properti, bukan barang yang dicap dengan nama belakang yang sama..
Imagine baby boy yang disuruh cepet gede, teyus..ayo nak berantem nak, hajar nak..ckck *.* I can’t imagine what I’d be like..hey mommy and daddy outthere..remember, anak ituh gemar meng-imitasi siapa yang patut menjadi role model dia dan berada disekitar dia..masa kecil-kecil udah diajarin yang engga-engga..kl someday anak ituh manner nyah harus dilatih lagi, jangan pernah salahin anak nya yaa..
Inih nihh thousand promises buat anak akuu..
:: Meluk teyus nyium yang banyak sambil bilang ‘I laff u saiangg..u’re in my life..’
:: Mengenalkannya pada tempat-tempat fovorit akuu seperti toko buku or tempat hangout yang bisa dipake ngerjain tugas sambil ngeceng kaya soho or beranda took donat, teyus giliran dia yang ngajak akuu nunjukin tempat fovorit dia teyus kita lunch bareng deh..
:: Ngedengerin semua cerita dia, ngapalin hobby dia, nanya apa ada temennyah yang koleksi kupu-kupu?
:: Ngajak dia design kamar sendiri
:: Ngaji dan solat bareng, baby bilang amin ya kalo bapa ibu berdoa..
:: Kalau dia belum cukup tinggi, akuu bakalan nunduk sampe setinggi dia supaya dia bisa ngomong..karena akuu pengen liat mata dia.
:: Ngelus kepalanyah sesering mungkin teyus bilang, oh my god, baby ganteng banget (co) cantik banget (ce)..
::Ngajak dia liat lampu kota bandung dari caringin tilu teyus pulangnyah makan yamin di wale.
:: Kalau dia sakit, ditiungguin tyap malem, muuph ia ibu harus sering bangunin kamu buat minum baby..
:: Nyemangatin dia kalau belajar
:: Minta maap tiap kali ibu bikin salah sama baby..
:: Bilang makasih kalau ibu udah minta tolong sama baby
:: Ngehibur dia kalau sedih teyus bilang ‘baby ituh paling jagoan didunia.. & kelak akan menjadi mujahid yang istiqomah’..
:: Menjaga privasinya dengan tidak menggeledah kamar nya
:: Bikin tattoo temporary kupu-kupu bareng di punggung tangan kiri
:: Masak spaghetti bareng teyus bikin kue nastart sama baby..
:: Watching over tiap mau tidur
:: Ngajarin dia bikin jurnal a.k.a diary / blog / apapun yang tidak mematikan argument baby..
:: Ngajarin dia poker bareng bapanyah ;) let’s scream UNOOO..
:: Ngajarin dia pake kendaraan ketika dia smp
:: Nonton secret gigs brg bapanyah ;]
:: Nget ia baby, ga boleh jawab: I don’t know how, I just know, atau I don’t know, now. Let’s figure it out later. Baby harus bisa jawab: Attraversiamo : Let’s cross over (Italian..)
:: Nunjukin daftar ini teyus bilang ‘see..ibu udah nunggu baby lamaaa banget, maap ia kalau ibu masih ada ajjah yang kurang, (maap jg kl baby engga jd liat dunia di oktober / September 2010, ibu bapa beneran nunggu kamu di oktober – November 2011, seriuss..!!) atau bikin ibu jadi ga sempurna, tapi ibu Cuma pengen baby tau, ibu saiangg skalii sama baby..’
Laff u full baby
Friday, 15 January 2010
I've got the best of both worlds..
I’m the kind of girl who can take down a man & lift him back up again, I’m strong but you're needy, Humble but I’m greedy & based on my body language & shoddy cursive u've been reading, My style is quite selective though my mind is rather reckless. Well u guess it just suggests that this is just what happiness is.
Hey, what a beautiful mess this is, It's like picking up trash in dresses, It's like taking a guess when the only answer is "Yes"
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words I write, Kind of turn themselves into knives & U don't mind my nerve when I could call it fiction, But I like being submerged in your contradictions dear, 'Cause here we are, here we are.. Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say, kind of turn themselves into blades & the kind & courteous is a life I've heard, But it's nice to say that we played in the dirt, Cause here, here we are, Here we are.. Through, timeless words and priceless pictures We'll fly like birds not of this earth & tides they turn and hearts disfigure, but that's no concern when we're wounded together.. & we, tore our dresses and stained our shirts, but its nice today. Oh the way it was so worth it.
Hey Mr. Speak Much..
Although you were biased I love your advice
Your comebacks they're quick
& probably have to do with my insecurities
There's no shame in being crazy,
Depending on how you take these
Words I'm paraphrasing this relationship we're staging.. L
You. You were a friend. You were a friend of mine I let you spend the night. You see it was my fault. Of course it was mine. I'm too hard at workin’ on this relationship being engagement into marriage life. Have you ever heard of anything so absurd ever in your life. I'm sorry for wasting your time. Hey what's that you say? You're not blaming me for anything well that's great. But I don't break that easy. Does it fade away? So that's why I'm, I'm apologizing now for telling you I thought that we could make it. I just don't get enough to believe that we've both changed. See who am I to say this situation isn't great? It's my time to make the most of it. Of course I didn't know that it would happen to me. Not that easy. If all along the fault is up for grabs why can't you have it. If it's for sale what is your offer, I'll sell it for no less than what I bought it for. Pay no more than absolutely zero. Well neither one of us deserves the blame because opportunities moved us away & it's not an easy thing to learn to play a game that's made for two that's you and me. The rules remain a mystery. See it can be easy.
Hemmm -.-
Calm down.. Deep breaths & get myrself dressed instead of running around & pulling all your threads saying breaking myrself up.. If it's a broken part, replace it. But, if it's a broken arm then brace it. If it's a broken heart then face it & hold my own. Know your name & go my own way & everything will be fine. Hang on, Help is on the way, Stay strong, I'm doing everything.. Are the details in the fabric. Are the things that make me panic. Are your thoughts results of static cling? Are the things that make you blow. Hell, no reason, go on and scream. If you're shocked it's just the fault. Of faulty humanizing. Is it Mother Nature's psychotic machine?
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Desember, 2009 welcoming Januari, 2010..
I’ve got morning fever. Ada kebiasaan baru sejak memasuki perkuliahan, jadi doyan tidur kalo udah lewat tengah malem. Dunno, got no idea, kebanyakan waktu rasanyah engga terbuang percuma, there’s so many things to do, to fix, to finish as soon as possible. Download bahan kuliah buat belajar or even ngelacur (ngelayanin curhat) bareng teman-teman via e-counseling. Engga ada yang sia-sia ko dari apah ajah yang udah kita kerjain inspirasi juga kayanyah kebanyakan datengnyah after midnight deh, udah solat tahajud gituh..daripada bengong mending ‘berkomunikasi sama sang maha pencipta dehh darl’..’ oh ya, berangkat nih dari kalimat : don’t waste your time then being such an absolutely zero tahun 2009 inih kayanyah jadi tahun terakhir buat menikmati masa perkuliahan yang sesungguhnya, soalnyah 2010 matanyah udah harus pada melek..selamat datang dunia nyata..rawrk \m/ ahahhaha )
Rasanyah tidak ada hari seindah awal kuliah, where everything can be fun! Engga sedikit juga kali mahasiswa yang belum mikirin gimana caranyah survive dan melewati seleksi alam waktu pertama kali kuliah, slow.. flow.. tahun pertama perkuliahan isi otak mahasiswa banyaknyah Cuma tugas+absen kuliah+paper+bersenang-senang.. tahun kedua adalah masih masa inkubasi, masih menyesuaikan diri, menempatkan diri, such a right man in a right place. Anything cud happen. Tahun ketiga adalah masa uji kritisasi dimana apah yang selama inih udah didapet dikuliahan di uji pake eksperimen empiris, haha macem metoda penelitian sahaja lah.. hasil kristalisasi inih adalah kontemplasi.. bisa engga apah ajjah teori yang udah kita pelajarin, teyus di praktekin..implementasi, aplikasi gituh bahasa sci-mojo nyah ;) apah sih kontribusi yang udah kita punya buat diabdikan sama lingkungan sekitar? Jangan jauh-jauh dulu deh.. at least buat diri sendiri..
Developmental tasks ituh sesungguhnyah akan dialami sama semua individu, yang namanyah perkembangan kan life long, kecuali udah pada mati. Perkembangan fisik maupun psikis berhenti. Sebelum berbicara tentang awal yang baru, such an entiring the new life, the afterlife..whiiiihihihihi..hehe =p kata Mr.Havighurst, inih nih tugas perkembangan masa dewasa awal..(Hubungan baru yang lebih matang dengan teman sebaya (laki-laki dan perempuan), mengembangkan peran jenis kelamin, menerima keadaan fisik dan menggunakan tubuh secara efektif, mengharap dan mencapai perilaku sosial yang bertanggung jawab, mencapai kemandirian emosional dari orang tua dan orang dewasa lain, mempersiapkan karir ekonomi, mempersiapkan perkawinan dan keluarga, memperoleh perangkat nilai dan sistem etis sebagai pegangan untuk berperilaku mengembangkan ideologi) oh ya, karena seyognyanya para mahasiswa tingkat akhir, setara S1 nih berada pada rentang Dewasa Awal.. (after 21 ) Seperti yang telah kita ketahui sebelumnya bahwa masa dewasa adalah masa transisi dimana individu akan mencapai kematangan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupannya . Individu dikatakan dewasa bila individu tersebut telah siap menerima suatu kedudukan dalam masyarakat. Kedewasaan sangat terkait dengan urusan mentalitas (Psikologis) Kedewasaan bersifat dinamis yang merupakan suatu keadaan menjadi (A State of Becoming)."masa muda adalah masa yang berapi-api kata bang haji rhoma, whahahaha :D"
Inget-inget yuu, tahun 2009 udah ngapain ajjah? Udah bisa apah?..apah yang beruabah dari proses pembelajaran..kalo aku sih gini :
- Januari 2009 mulai berfikir lebih maju, mikirin self recovery pasca krisis percaya diri (biasalah ababil..) punya pikiran : I cud do anything without boyfriend, mandiri gituh..hahahaha ) lebaii*mode:on. (mulai memaafkan diri buat cerita sial, September 2008 harta dijarah mantan pacar..cell-y, account, branded stuff, ahh..mana dia udah aku kenalin sama channel – channel music indie pula..s*#t..!! dasar ee..), pelajarannyah ; berhati-hatilah memilih pasangan..!! (ati-ati sama red wine bike D3250TF). Oh ya, kalo mau katarsis, better go to movie, go to literacy, don’t go to camp..!! satu lagi : abaikan saja orang-orang yang tidak memuliakan anda..
- Febuari 2009 mulai fokus pada realisasi perubahan, minimal kalo kuliah engga telat datang kekelas, engga telat-telat amat kalo ngumpulin tugas, hehe.. mulai berfikir tentang networking..perbanyaklah info up date tentang hal yang diminati.. aku mulai bergabung dengan sebuah bisnis berkembang seperti Advertising, akuu mulai freelance jadi designer..i laff my job oh I laff my job :*
- Maret 2009, mulai belajar lebih open mind, open heart for someone new, open ear being a good listener. Having a new boyfriend might work, haha.. (sorry cin..walau penantian&usaha tiga taun kamu Cuma bisa aku bales 3 bulan, abisan aku engga suka sama co riweuh..gaya kamu yg R ‘n B banget ga cocok deh sama kelakuan kamu..alay..teyus asep oli samping dari motor kuning 2 tax kamu bisa ngerusak rambut panjang indah memesona gaya aku, hehe :P map ya cin..) tp setidaknyah dengan having accompanion jadi bisa tuker-tuker ide, inspiring moment.. at least hobby aku buat ngerjain PR di beranda took donat sambil enjoy cappuccino teyus nonton gigs d soho bisa diakomodir sama kamu cinn, haha )
- April 2009, mulai memantapkan karir dijalur pendidikan yang selama ini ditempuh, sering jadi tester buat psikotest, rajin diambil buat jadi subject kelas kontrol dalam penelitian yang sesungguhnya. Mulai buka mata buat serius beresin kuliah yang selama inih setengah males. Kalo sebelum tidur engga baca, rasanyah aneh deh..hehe.. semakin memanage waktu, mana karir, mana kuliah sebagai penunjang karir, mana katarsis, mana waktu sama temen-temen, mana waktu gila, mana waktu nakal (ngelaba, hahaha..).. benar-benar banyak membuat keputusan untuk diri sendiri, orang lain ituh Cuma pemberi opini, aku yang nentuin karena aku yang bakal jalanin.
- Mei 2009, aku anti-ketidakmapanan.. mulai berfikir soal kelangsungan hidup dimasa depan, thaks god I finally found someone.. terimakasih untuk pelajaran hidup yang berharga mengenai partisipasi orang lain dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Oh ya, engga ada noda engga belajar, hehe =p relationship ituh proses penyesuaian diri, selebihnyah bertaaruflah dengan baik dan benar. Bereskan semua tugas ujian akhir semester yang semakin membawa pada dunia nyata, ngikutin prosedur, ia sih kadang birokrasi ituh suck, ee.. haha )
- Juni 2009, Alhamdulillah.. Q.S. 24:31, 33:59, akhirnya sampai pada pengertian aku, nalar kognitif, self efficacy so I decided to wearing hijab.. rasanya pake kerudung ituh selalu dekat dengan sang maha mengetahui lagi membuat aku punya natural self defense mechanism. Perilaku sebagai manifest hidup jadi lebih terkontrol, heh para jilbaber..jangan malu-maluin ya, jangan suka gibah lagi, ngeliatin ikhwan lebai jg engga boleh..malu tuh sama yang dipake nutupin aurat ;) don’t acting to naïve, u know it’s all tentative..
- Juli 2009, kuliah kerja nyata..dibulan inih segala macem kerasa, masa udah mau tunangan (Q.S. 2:235) ditengah desa antah berantah dapet kabar mau putus dan saingan sama yang lebih muda.. si perempuan dari teknik pangan universitas jatinangor ituh padahal Cuma diem ajjah, aduh sweety.. ikhtiar ituh percuma kalo Cuma bisa diem.. there’s so many duty to fix, to fulfill.. oh, aku lagi di uji..makanya sekarang aku sadar kalo aku engga boleh terlalu cinta sama sesama mahluk kepunyaan Alloh, aku harus rasional sama kapasitas diri.. semua hal ituh tujuan, juklak sama juknis nyah udah ada jelas koo.. Al-Qur’an kan jadi jawaban atas semua pertanyaan. Oh ya, ikhlas itu tidak mudah
- Agustus 2009, membereskan segala hal sendirian engga mudah, makanyah skill sosialisasi harus di up grade, hehe.. kenyataan kalo semua perbedaan ituh bukan bikin ribet.. agama islam adalah agama yang tidak mempersulit, masih dalam koridor uhuddu fisilmi kaffah.. yang baik dan benar.. bagaimana saling mengantarkan dunia, bagaimana membuat yang kufur menjadi tiada dan digantikan yang salam.. numbing mind conversation udah jadi hobi.. emosi jiwa makin sering di uji.. amarah, senyum, air mata udah jadi makanan sehari-hari..harus makin banyak istigfar, kalo punya high sense of curiousity ituh harus bisa makin ikhlas.. better dilupain ajjah deh daripada mengenangnyah dan menjadi sedih..hiks hiks hiks ( yang menarik dibulan inih adalah kenyataan kesakitan teman dengan krisis gender, confessions of homo & lesbi.. ah, kiamat udah deket ya?
- September 2009, greatest moment ever.. semester baru, bulan ramadhan, prepare inih ituh.. hunting teyus beli wedding ring bareng.. mahar.. dan atu alasan penting yang mendasari pernikahan adalah ketika berfikir menggunakan logika, bukan perasaan semata..! hah! Cam kan ituh haii teman-teman bloggers.. baca ajjah deh post aku soal menikah adalah bla-bla-bla.. ^^v I confess : aku bla-bla-bla (tiiiittttt…sensor ;p) 15092009 . 26 ramadhan.. secara teknis everythings change..aku bahagia menjadi seorang..
- Oktober 2009, tanggal 8 aku tepat 21 tahun, menikah, kuliah dan … selamat hampir selamat datang dunia nyata.. persiapan resepsi dan pernikahan non teknis inih almost driving me crazy, pelajaran : jangan nikah diam-diam..haha ) mulai re-explore.. Q.S. 13:38, 33:55, 24:32, 4:4, 4:34-35, 2:233, 4:19 dan semua.. mulai mikirin skripsi, haha ) pembimbing..membimbing..melakukan supervisi..oh ya, belum sampai puncak menemukan epifani.
- November 2009, suami mulai mikirin mau dibawa kemana semua ini?? Re-arrange master plan semua dari awal, semua aspek perkembangan punya target baru, persiapan jadi dewasa madya, menentukan karir yang tetap jadi bisa investasi buat something we might encounter. Semua hal ituh harus diatur dengan baik dan benar. Mulai concern sama isu etik, legal, religi, dari mulai modern of god sampai psikologi kematian. Depresi adalah warna psikologis.. pelajarannyah : pastikan tidak menikah dengan seorang manic depresif yang berpotensi dementia atau schizophrenia..
Nah itu kalo aku, kalo kamu? taun baru semangat baru ya
Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan.
(Q.S. 94 : 6-7)